Clinic / Phone / Hours / Beneficiaries
Brigade Dental Unit
6th Wing
(410) 293 - 3901
Monday - Friday: 0645 - 1530
Scheduled Sick Call After Hours: Call the Duty Dental Tech at: (443) 822 -2254
USNA Midshipmen, Superintendent Staff. Commandant Staff
Brigade Medical Unit
6th Wing
(410) 293 - 1758
Monday - Friday: 0630 – 1630
After-hours: (410) 293 - 1758
Nurse Advice Line: 800-874-2273
Commissioning Office
6th Wing
(410) 293 - 1727
Tuesday - Friday 0800 – 1600
USNA Midshipmen
Concussion Clinic Center of Excellence
8th Wing
(410) 293 - 7906
Monday - Friday: 0700 – 1600
USNA Midshipmen
Flight Medicine
6th Wing
(410) 293 - 1727
Monday - Friday: 0700 – 1600
USNA Midshipmen. Active Duty, Aviators and Applicants
8th Wing
(410) 293 - 1790
Monday - Friday: 0700 – 1130, 1300 - 1500
USNA Midshipmen, Commandant Staff, LEAD Program Students, Character Development, Bancroft Hall 1st LT’s Staff
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
6th Wing
(410) 293 - 1748
Monday - Friday: 0700 – 1600
USNA Midshipmen, Active Duty
Physical Therapy
8th Wing
(410) 293 – 7907
Monday - Friday: 0700 – 1600
USNA Midshipmen, Commandant Staff
6th Wing
(410) 293 – 1748
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 0800-1600
USNA Midshipmen, Commandant Staff
Underseas Medicine
6th Wing
(410) 293 – 1727
Monday - Friday: 0800 – 1600
USNA Midshipmen, Active Duty Divers and Applicant