Of course, we are all familiar with experiencing anxiety. After all, it is a normal reaction to stress. However, we also know it can get out-of-control and negatively affect our physical health as well as psychological health. We know that cardiovascular diseases, asthma-COPD; digestive disorders (IBS), and even diabetes are impacted by anxiety symptoms, either directly or indirectly by affecting medical compliance.
Do you have any patients who:
- Worry too much about everyday things
- Have trouble controlling their constant worries
- Know that they worry much more than they should
- Are not able to relax
- Have a hard time concentrating
- Are easily startled
- Have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
- Feel tired all the time
- Have chest pain with no physical basis
- Have headaches, muscle aches, stomach aches
- Have a hard time swallowing
- Tremble or twitch
- Are irritable and overly reactive
- Sweat a lot, and feel light-headed or out of breath
- Have to go to the bathroom a lot
These are all signs of anxiety.
The good news is that anxiety symptoms are very treatable. Relief is available through cognitive-behavioral interventions and/or medication management. Patients can learn to better control their overactive minds, lower their heart rate, sleep better, and feel more in control.
Your Internal Behavioral Health Consultant is available to assist you in providing the best possible care to your patients. To book contact your PCM Team nurse or call 410-293-2273.