Operational and Overseas Assignment Screening:

For service members assigned orders to an Overseas or Operational billet a medical screening is require within 30 days of receipt of orders.
Prior to contacting Medical Readiness to request a screening the service member must verify they are “FULLY MEDICALLY READY” on IMR:

Navy:  BUPERS Online            (https://www.bol.navy.mil/)
Marine: Marine Online             (https://sso.tfs.usmc.mil/sso/DoDConsent.do)

Utilize your IMR report to determine “Due” items.

“Due” items (Dental, Lab, etc.) must be completed prior to scheduling an Operational screening. If dental class 3 or 4, schedule and go to your dental appointment first to complete requirements.

  • All dues must be completed prior to being permitted to schedule an Overseas or Operational assignment screening.
  • Once service member is “FULLY MEDICALLY READY” they can contact Medical Readiness Clinic via TRICARE Online (TOL) Patient Portal Secure Messaging to request an appointment.
  • A copy of the service member’s orders must be included with the request for appointment.
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!